Tuesday, May 8, 2012

it's a start...

Pat and Jean, these are for you. :)

Yep, house pics. Boring pics. "Before" pics of the rooms we've got unpacked. I can't wait to have "after" pics...but once we've *finally* unfinished the unpacking, I am giving myself a few, maybe several, months off before I start on the enormous list of things we want to change. I apologize for the poor quality of the photos--but I figure that will just make "after" photos look all the better. :P

The bathroom. Yep, I said "the," meaning we really do only have one. This is probably the room I'll deal with first, just because we don't intend to change much, and the things we do intend to change are fairly easy to deal with.

The family room. This house is so weirdly set up--to get to the family room, you have to go down to the basement, walk through the unfinished part of said basement and into the rest of the basement. Forgive the view out the sliding glass doors--that's some cabinetry my Dad pulled out of the unfinished part of the basement that we need to get rid of. Also forgive the kitty box--it will find a new home through that white door once we set it up and Rich installs a cat door.

Gray's room. Which is really part of the same space that the family room occupies. The back of the bookcases in this picture are going to have painted sheets of plywood added to them to create more of a "wall." It's not an ideal situation, but we're making it work the best we can. Gray really likes it, so that counts for a lot.

Our bedroom. My favorite part--having a reading chair right by the window. I love looking out at the swamp. :) My least favorite part--that stencil around the ceiling. So can't wait to paint over that!

The dining room. I love the built-into-the-wall pantry.

And the kitchen. I love the kitchen layout, but dang, I can't wait to paint it all!

Annie's and Maxidoodle's rooms are also pretty well unpacked and set up, but I was too lazy to go upstairs to take photos, so I'll share those once we finish setting up the rest of the house. Anyway, home, sweet home gets a little sweeter with each passing day. :)


Amanda said...

I actually like the colors in the kitchen! :D

We *almost* bought a house with only one bathroom when we moved to Texas. Only one of the kids was potty-trained at that point. In the end, though, we decided it was worth two bathrooms just to deal with the whole toddlers-and-toilets issue. And I'm really glad we did.

Debi said...

I've just never been much of a blue person, at least not that "country" sort of blue that's in the kitchen. Don't mind the lighter, brighter blue of the dining room as much. But still I can't wait for all those walls to be red! :D
Good choice on the two bathroom thing!!! :D We're doing surprisingly well so far, but another toilet certainly wouldn't hurt...especially when we have guests.

Jean said...

Thanks for sharing these! The floors look to be in great shape. Real hardwood or laminate of some nature? I know that blue is supposed to be calming, but the blue walls are too much for me. It looks like a comfortable place, really. When do we see photos of the swamp?

DesLily said...

wow!! it looks like a lot of room! I hope it's larger than your other home??
Ummm did you say swamp? you look out at the swamp?... swamp (or any standing water) mean mosquitos to me!!! I hope it doesn't mean it for you! I'd say the place is shaping up pretty good already!! .. ok next time outside shots of the house and grounds lol... like how I boss you around? lol

Amanda said...

It looks like a really nice space! I SO hate moving and having to deal with unpacking and settling into a new place. We're probably doing it again in the next year or so...silly military life. ;)

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Oh my goodness!! It all looks so big and spacious and with lots of wonderful natural lighting. But you don't like the stenciling? ;)

and a basement? Drools. We don't have them in our area but I SO wish we did. Will Gray eventually move down to the basement?

My Gallery of Worlds said...

You have gotten soooo much done! I love it <3

Kailana said...

Man, there are only two of us and I often wish we had two bathrooms... I wouldn't want to clean two, though. lol

Susan said...

Your kitchen looks so warm and wonderful! I love all the windows, too. It really looks like a lovely house, Debi, and if the kids are happy, that makes it so much easier, doesn't it? Thanks for posting these - it is looking so good already.

Debi said...

The bedroom and library (which we haven't put together yet) have real hardwood floor, but the kitchen/dining room just have vinyl tiles. We'd eventually like to redo the it--for the most part it actually looks great but there's one part in the middle that's pretty messed up. And yeah, I think it will be a comfortable place...we're getting there...

Actually, it's not any bigger square-ft-wise than our old place, but in some ways it "feels" bigger. Probably just because it's spread out in such a weird way. But our kitchen/dining room *is* definitely bigger now, and that has really made us happy!
Yeah, I suspect we're going to have major mosquito problems. Gray and I will pay the highest price for that. But we just love the swamp so much that I hope that will ease some of the itching. :P

It is such a hard job moving, isn't it? And I hate to say it, but it seems to get harder with each passing move. I hope that eventually you all will be able to settle down in one place that you really love...but that may be a ways down the road, huh?

I think the photos are bit deceiving--it's really not that spacious. Well, the kitchen feels pretty spacious to me compared to our last house! And that's funny about basements--I hadn't ever realized that basements weren't pretty much standard fare everywhere around the country until Chris mentioned it a few years ago. Of course, after we talked about it, it made perfectly obvious sense to me why they didn't have basements there in New Orleans. :P In fact, when Chris came to visit us, it was the first time he'd ever been in a basement. Anyway, Gray already is in the basement--we split the bigger finished area of the basement just using bookcases for a "wall" and used half of it for his bedroom.

Thank you!!! :D

You know, that's an awesome way to think about it--if you only have one bathroom, you've only got to clean one! :D

Thanks! And yes, soooooo much easier! ;)

Keshalyi said...

HOUSES!!!! houseshouseshouseshouseshouseshouses

I blushed at my bad taste, because I saw your bedroom and went 'Oh, lace around the ceiling! How pretty that would be!'


I'm glad your getting settled in, I hope you finish school and take a whole month to just curl up like a kitten and read books :).

Carl V. Anderson said...

Yay!!! I love seeing pictures. The cabinetry in the bathroom is excellent. Love that color wood, and the light fixture is great too.

And your hardwood floors look lovely.

It's great to see some set up already done and I look forward to seeing how you change it, transform it, and build your nest there as time goes by.