Monday, September 10, 2012


*It's Book Blogger Appreciation Week. I'm not participating, because, well, I'm not a book blogger. :P But that doesn't change the fact that I appreciate book bloggers very much!!! In fact, "appreciate" doesn't seem nearly a big enough word. Many of my dearest, closest friends are book bloggers. Seriously, like the pour-my-heart-and-soul-out sort of friends. And the be-silly-without-being-slightest-bit-embarrassed sort of friends. And the can-I-ask-your-honest-advice sort of friends. But I also appreciate book bloggers that I hardly even know...because holy crap, has my reading life blossomed and expanded since I started reading book blogs! And honestly, not just my reading life.

*So I've already added about 15 new book blogs to my reader this morning. But I really shouldn't have. Because tears will eventually flow. Yes, I literally cry sometimes when I look at my reader. This world is full of so much awesomeness, but days are only so long, so it's impossible to read and comment on everything one wants to. I know I'm not alone in feeling that. But it makes me so very, very sad...because I want to have the time to thank everyone for every incredible post they write. Know what I mean? Of course you do.

*I started making Halloween cards this morning. Well, if you count pulling a few odds and ends out of bins and making a list of people to send the hopefully one day completed cards to, that is. I think it's the cool temperatures that have me inspired...we even had to close the windows last night. And Max and I could see our breath at the bus stop this morning. :)

*I'm getting a bit tired of tomatoes. Okay, not really. But our garden is starting to wear me out with all the canning now. And yes, this is a good thing, of course.

*After today, we will have our first week of school under our belts. One massive meltdown. (Not me.) Otherwise pretty darn good. Might just bore you with a quick little look at our first week of homeschooling for the year tomorrow...or maybe I'll be kind and skip it. ;)

*Tomorrow is the start of the best library book sale in the county! And we now live very close-by. We don't really need any more books...we will, however, come home with many. It's a given.


Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Ha!!!! I cry every time I open my reader, too. There are so many wonderful people out there--and some of them just happen to be book bloggers. ;) But if you don't know Les you must say hi to her. I just adore her--I can't figure out how we've been both blogging for five years and have only just met the past year.

Send some tomatoes to me. I'm kicking myself for not planting anything this summer and get jealous every time I see everyone's harvest.

This morning Christmas cards entered my brain. That thought only stayed there 2 minutes. Good for you on getting your Halloween cards moving!

bermudaonion said...

I get what you mean about your Reader. I have a feeling mine is going to explode this week.

Jean said...

It feels like fall here, too, though we're a ways away from seeing our breath. I think getting through the first week of school with only one meltdown is pretty damned good. Our average over the years was more like one per person, and I had the bulk of them. Have fun at the book sale!

Bookfool said...

I gave up my reader! It was not making me cry, but it was definitely making me crazy. As you say, it's impossible to read and comment on everything (although if anyone comes close, I'd say it's BermudaOnion Kathy). I pretty much suck at keeping up and joining in. Oh, well. :)

Haha, of course you'll come home with a pile of books! I guess it's a good thing that I missed the local library sale in our new town because we were too busy moving! I am still aching from moving all those boxes of books. Ouch, ouch.

Carl V. Anderson said...

Your Halloween cards mention reminds me that I am already behind in my seasonal decorating and I've got to kick it in the butt!!! :)

Debi said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who cries over her reader. :P And Trish, my dear, Christmas cards--bite your tongue! I'm so not ready to go there yet!

Somehow as active as you are, I suspect your reader explodes every day! I don't know how you do it, keeping up with so many people!

Yeah, I suppose I should count my blessings that there was but one meltdown. :P And it usually is me having many of them around here.

You know, I sort of like that idea of giving up on google reader. Not sure if I'm brave enough to take that step yet, but I suspect it would be good for me. Especially since I seem to so adept at self-imposed stress.

I'm a little bit shocked to hear you haven't got those decorations up yet! But that's okay, as long as you're enjoying the season anyway, right?

Leslie @ This is the Refrain said...

I go back and forth on this Google Reader thing. Because I stopped using it at one point and it really cut out a lot of stress in my life. But THEN I felt like I was missing out on things... so I don't really know what the answer is. I think I might need to find a happy medium. Maybe just at the end of the week, if it's not at 0, read all. I don't know! I just don't want to miss lovely posts from all the lovely people.