Friday, January 11, 2013

projects progress...2013 update 2...

I have a feeling this shall be quite the short list this week...

*The unofficial-for-me reading challenges:

First, I finished up Nick Hornby's More Baths Less Talking. It fills holes for...
the Mount TBR Challenge (2/60),
the 2013 Essay Challenge--six more essays (10/30),
and the Quick Fix Challenge--it comes in at 135 pages (2/20+),

And then I read The 10 p.m. Question by Kate De Goldi. It fills holes for...
the Mount TBR Challenge (3/60),
the Genre Variety Challenge--realistic fiction (2/18),
the What an Animal 2013--there's two birds on the cover and birds definitely play a part in the story (1/6),
the Quick Fix Reading Challenge--it has 245 pages (3/20+),
the 2013 Young Adult Reading Challenge (2/20),
and the Mental Illness Advocacy Reading Challenge (1/4)

*Personal Read-the-World Project:
The 10 p.m. Question fills in the slot for a New Zealand setting in a work of fiction.

#11. Watch 50 documentaries. Annie and I watched American Experience: My Lai for school. Obviously very disturbing. (26/50)

*Happiness Project
The 10 p.m. Question came from the wonderful list of books that my dear friend Ana made me, and you better believe in my mind she was right there reading along with me. It's one more precious gift I will cherish forever. Thank you, Ana!


Eva said...

Ohhh, I need to send you a list of documentaries don't I?! I'll check my Netflix queue (I just watched First Position which was fascinating). And I think I *still* owe you nonfiction reads. I'm awful. Must get on top of things!

Kailana said...

I have my 50x50 list but am sporadic about updating it... I should make that a bigger priority for 2013!

Debi said...

Yes--I so still want a list of documentaries from you! :D And, of course, the rest of the non-fic list, too. BUT NO! NO! NO! You are the extreme opposite of awful!!!

Yes, you should! I'd love to see how you're doing!