Friday, May 27, 2011

a long list of brief thoughts on my life today...

*Overwhelming fatigue. Not the general fatigue I've become accustomed to over the past several years. And some really severe aching. I'm guessing it's really nothing more than life catching up with me. And I need to listen up and just slow down. Yeah, right.

*Cherry tree brown rot. I fear our tree has it.

*But on the bright side, our radishes are sprouting. And Annie's strawberries are really starting to put out some flowers. And Rich just brought home the tomato and pepper plants he started up at the greenhouse at school, so hopefully we'll have those in the ground in the next few days.

*Annie had the last of her college finals for the semester yesterday. (Just wish we were done with our home classes--still more than a month to go there.) Anyway, she is anxiously awaiting the posting of her algebra course grade--the class that has caused her the most grief. She already found out that she got an A in both her German 102 and her Evolution class. :)

*Gray is now sporting two bald patches. It's somewhat mind-boggling, frankly. He's also struggling with the switchover to short sleeved shirts now that warm weather is here. My heart hurts.

*Had to run Max to the doctor yesterday. He came home from school with a swollen, pus-y thumb. Eww.

*Annie had her first soccer game of the season last night. They got utterly crushed. And we all got utterly soaked in the pouring rain. But the girls had fun, and that's honestly all that matters.

*I've started going through and weeding out the massive amounts of memorabilia from the kids' schooling and whatnot. Now, I'm pretty darn sentimental when it comes to this stuff, but I have to admit even I'm saying, "What the hell did you ever save that for, Debra Anne?!!"

*I can't finish the books I *have* to read. I have an enormous stack of books I've started and would *really* like to get back to in the near future (as in when this school year is finally over). And yet still, I checked out four books (The Wisdom of the Radish, grl2grl, By the Time You Read This, I'll Be Dead, and Hereville: How Mirka Got Her Sword) from the library this week! What the hell is my problem?!! That whole "but they're so shiny and new" thing, I suppose. (Even the ones that are not technically shiny or new at all.)

*I'm seriously afraid to check google reader--it's been a while.


Leslie @ This is the Refrain said...

HOW DID I NOT KNOW THIS EXISTED. DEBI! Hereville is very good, I hope you enjoy it :)

Keshalyi said...

Almost... there... school year... nearly... over!

Jean said...

I wish I could bottle some energy and send it up to you. I'm betting that part of the aching is your heart, at Gray's difficulties right now. I have no profound advice to offer, just virtual hugs, one for you and one for Gray.

Kailana said...

I hope things get a bit better in the areas that they are not right now... I always have too many books to read. I really don't need to go to the library, but I do anyway...

Unknown said...

Aw . . . you've got so much going on right now, my head hurts FOR you. Hang in there, Debi. I'm thinking of you and sending positive, energetic vibes your way. :-D

Heather said...

I had it all plotted out, what I was going to say, but Jason pretty much beat me to it and more succinctly as well! Curse you Jason!

Sit down, slow down, take a deep breath. You're almost there. :D *hugs*