Just finished up Akata Witch by Nnedi Okorafor. Awesome, unique, YA fantasy. Loved it. Hoping to pick up her book Who Fears Death tonight at the library. Still working my way through Philip Pullman's Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm, and still enjoying it immensely. Lots of haphazard reading for school, as in reading chapters here and there for certain subjects/topics. Max and I are about three-quarters of the way through Burning for Revenge, the fifth book in the Tomorrow series. Major adrenaline pumping, I tell you. Note to self: Get sixth book soon! Gray and I are making slow progress through the first book of the Pendragon series, The Merchant of Death. Not really far enough to make a judgment yet, but we're both certainly enjoying it enough to continue. Super excited about Dewey's Read-a-Thon though I can't quite believe it's barely over a week away--April, where the hell have you gone?!!
~~~in the classroom~~~
School, obviously. :P Actually today Gray went to school with Rich, as its the day Rich takes his environmental science class to the wastewater treatment facility. Informative, if pungent, field trip for the young man. Mostly this week Gray has been finishing up a bunch of projects and assignments on his own for the third quarter. (Fourth quarter starts next Monday.) I've spent many, many hours preparing for our final quarter over the last couple weeks, and will spend many, many more before all is said and done. But my immediate future is reserved for writing up quarterly reports for the third quarter, which are due Monday. I've nearly finished Annie's, and will soon move on to Gray's. So don't like this particular task.
~~~in the yard and garden~~~
Okay, so there are no plants actually in the food gardens yet. But I've got seedlings galore started inside. And *really* need to get more going--poor neglected tomato seeds. Rich has made some progress in the preparations for putting in our new garden areas though. He tore apart an old rotting wooden playground piece, saving the bottom portion to become the fencing area of our soon-to-be strawberry patch. He got it moved into place, but hasn't prepared the soil or added the wire fencing to keep out the bunnies and groundhogs. I've been spending a few minutes every morning (while Max and I have our vehicle counting competition before the bus comes) dealing with the mess that is our flower garden. If I keep at it, maybe it will be ready by the time things start blooming. Yeah, probably not. :P
~~~in blogland~~~
I've given up stressing out about blogging. As in posting, that is. Period. But I am rather frustrated about reading blogs. After the announcement about google reader going away, I tried to figure out a few other readers, but gave up rather quickly. Decided to just give up google reader cold turkey and add a blogroll back on my blog. But *enormous sigh* it just doesn't feel like it's working. Not only is it a pain, but much worse I feel like I'm missing soooo many posts. I mean like even posts by people on my blogroll. *more sighs* I don't know--it's time I either try with another reader again or just learn to accept that I'm going to miss posts sometimes.
~~~in the craft room~~~
Project Life and I, well we just aren't getting on all too well these days. Honestly, it's not PL's fault; it's mine. I just haven't been in the mood. PL, I do still love you. I promise I do. But we just need a little time apart. One of these days though, if you'll still have me, we'll have a joyous reunion and hopefully I'll learn to treat you a little better from then on. And then there's Annie's birthday sweater. Hmmmm, Annie's birthday has come and gone...and said birthday sweater still isn't finished. If I finish it before month's end that should be good...I mean who doesn't love a surprise late birthday gift, right? The thing I've spent the most time on lately is my t-shirt rug, though even it has loooong way to go before it's finished.
~~~in the health arena~~~
Had routine bloodwork done recently. Got possibly good news. I'm still vitamin D deficient despite the daily supplements, and I'm still severely anemic despite the daily iron supplements. So mega-doses of vitamin D and up the iron supplements. Why this is good news is that both could potentially be reasons why I've been feeling so craptacular lately. Vitamin D deficiency can cause muscle pain and of course anemia causes fatigue...so it could be that my fibro is not actually worsening after all but just feels that way because of these other problems. Problems that *should* be remedied fairly easily. *fingers crossed*
~~~in the kitchen~~~
My bread machine's been getting a workout this week. And my crockpot was put to use to loading up the freezer with homemade veggie broth. Oooh, and I tried a delicious new recipe called Chewy Granola Bars. Big hit. Think they'll go into heavy rotation. In fact, I could see making a batch every week to have them around for breakfasts. Though honestly, they taste damn near desertlike. :)
That is super great news about the Vitamin D/Iron deficiency (and one more thing we have in common)! I hope upping your dosage will do the trick!
I keep meaning to make homemade granola bars and not doing it. Is your recipe from online or a cookbook?
ah..even in the sunshine state I am vitamin D deficient! lol..
as for blogs.. I've never used the google reader and just have blogs listed in my "favorites" (in their own folder) on my browser and go down the list each day..it's not so bad I promise!
ohh love the photo of the "sprout"!! great shot! I hope you will soon be able to plant them outside! If it were here i'd say it's too hot to dig in the outside "dirt/sand".. so the garden would never get planted!
I would never be able to "home school" to me this is amazing!
Great news about the Vitamin D and iron. "Great" in that it could point to a reason and easy fix for some of what's been ailing you. Fingers crossed that the added doses work. Love the photos in this post, particularly the crochet one. You have a good eye, lady!
Love these photos Debi!!! :D And this post as a whole. Is the granola bar recipe online? Otherwise, I shall just steal it from you in less than two weeks (!!!).
I have had anemia for most of my life....it's just disappeared with the onset of menopause. In the meantime, there's a liquid supplement of iron that's herbal that worked really well for me when I needed it. Floravix, at natural food stores.
vitamin d deficiency, i hope the sun comes out soon so you can get in it! me too :-) scary that Pat is deficient and she's in sunny Florida! Maybe sunscreen is bad for us after all, prevents us getting vit d.
Love the pictures, too, and yes, I'd be interested in that granola bar recipe too :-)
Fingers crossed that the anemia and vitamin D deficiency goes away soon! I'm anemic and it sucks. Who knew that you can feel so tired so often? I hope you share the recipe to the granola bars. I'm trying to find a healthy alternative to what's out in stores. Your t-shirt rug looks so nice! You're so talented.
I hope the Iron/Vitamin D deficiency goes away soon. I have had that before and it can be really depressing/tiring. I actually suspect I might have to check with my doctor about it, for a regular checkup, but I always find it hard to face the doctor, really.
I really enjoy your posts Debi. And I wanted to particularly thank you for your comment on my blogiversary post. I know exactly how you feel and have felt the same about your blog. I'm very happy that cycle was broken this year because I would not have wanted to miss out! *hugs*
I'm sad about the loss of Google Reader. I haven't figured out a good reader. I find it very annoying even to have to consider switching and June seemed so far away for a while, but I'm steadily growing a bit nervous about how quickly it is approaching!
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