Saturday, February 19, 2011

winter break, the first 24 hours (Friday afternoon through Saturday afternoon)...

*kiddo's doctor's appointment, where big decisions were made

*pizza night

*2 Edgar Allan Poe stories: "The Descent Into the Maelstrom" (didn't care for) and "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar" (much better)

*40 minutes of exercise while watching the penultimate episode of season one of Jericho...think what you will, I still freakin' love that show

*load of laundry...always always laundry

*a bit of reading and note-taking on the Early Roman Republic

*a lot of smiling due to eavesdropping on Max and his friend Abby

A sample conversation...

Abby: Don't you wish we had all this money for real? (They were playing Dogopoly at the time.)

Me (interrupting): What would you do with that much money?

Abby: I'd buy a baby!

Me: A baby?!!

Abby: Yeah, a baby from the hospital.

Me: So, would you want a baby brother or a baby sister?

Abby: A baby sister, definitely!

Max: Yeah, well I'd buy a half-pipe.


Kailana said...

lol Cute!

DesLily said...

utoh.. you didn't tell Rich that he wants a baby sister did you? lol lol

chrisa511 said...

So cute!!! I hope that Saturday afternoon through Sunday night were wonderful!!!