Tuesday, November 1, 2011

a bit of rambling to get me restarted...

November 1st. First day of a new month sounds like a good time to jump back into this blogging thing, doesn't it? Though I *really* must find a way to change the messages I send myself inside my own head. I'm fairly sure that when I restarted with "Still Nothing..." I promised myself that it had to come with less self-induced stress. Less guilt over how many blogs I can and can't get read any given day. That didn't happen. Anyway...time to try again.

Well, October was nothing if not busy. Halloween, Gray's birthday, Baker's birthday, doctors' appointments galore, homeschooling stuff, public schooling stuff...you know, the usual stuff of life. But it also saw us jump into "sell this house" mode in overdrive. We've spent the past 3 1/2 weeks working our butts off to get this house into shape. We've painted, we've ripped up carpeting, we've put the vegetable and flower gardens to bed, we've trimmed trees and bushes, and mostly we've packed and moved tons of stuff to a storage unit. Probably close to a third of our furniture and possessions are now elsewhere. Including over a hundred boxes of books.

Of course, all this physical labor is a positive thing. The sooner we can move, the better. As melodramatic as it sounds, my sanity depends on it. We're almost done with the things we need to get done...and most certainly will be by the time the new carpeting is installed in a few weeks. Then this baby goes on the market.

All this labor has not been kind to my body though. I've not quite got the hang of living with fibromyalgia yet. Hell, I'm nowhere close. And I really think I need life to slow down a bit so I can get on with taking responsibility for managing this condition. On the bright side, pain takes away my appetite for the most part (of course, the things I do crave are those bad-for-me comfort foods). Anyway, I just discovered that I've lost 12 pounds in the past month/month and a half. I don't look any different--12 pounds isn't much difference on someone as big as me--but my pants sure fit differently.

Anyway, I'm so hoping that November is better month for me. Mentally, that is. (Though physically would be nice, too.) I'm sick to death of this awful funk I've been in. But I have a couple of things coming up that have me so. ridiculously. excited. And having wonderful things to look forward to really does help. :) I have a post started talking all about one of these things (I call it "my happiness project" and "my friends project" interchangeably)...I'm just waiting for it to come together a bit more before actually publishing it.

Well, ramble I can do, huh? And I suppose I've done more than enough for one day...


Jean said...

Yay for progress on the house front! I don't know what the real estate markets--selling and buying--are like up there, but here's hoping both ends come together at an opportune time. And way to go on the weight thing, losing without overtly trying--the best way! I hope November does help you exit your funk and get your groove back. Is there a Beanie Baby Mutation that might help? I will give thought to it. Yes, I will. Love you!

Kailana said...

Glad to see a post from you! I am looking forward to you joining in for the Advent Calendar!

Heather said...

I'm so happy to see a post from you!!!! And while, I'm so sad to see the fibro is still bothering you, I'm glad to see you're solidering on. (((((DEBI)))))

I really need to get into sell-this-house-overdrive. These kiddos are going to push us out, I swear! But please be sure you rest, so you don't get so tired. I worry for you. Don't push too hard. Love you!

Debi said...

Yeah, getting the selling and buying to coincide is definitely a big concern...but we're trying to stay hopeful! And OMG--the idea of owning my own beanie mutant makes me positively giddy! It really would make a lovely Christmas gift... *not so subtly hints*

LOL--you're going to make sure I don't forget my promise, aren't you? :)

You, my dear, are too sweet!!! I'm *trying* to not overdo, but well, you know how it is. :P

Anonymous said...

Oh,Debi...good luck on the house bit. It's SO stressful to deal with moving and house selling and buying and all of that. It can't be easy on you. I hope November does end up better! :-)

Eva said...

May your house sell quickly Debi!

Perhaps think of fibro as another child? A very demanding, special needs child that requires you to lay next to her in bed for hours. And stay at home a lot doing nothing to keep her company.

Also...as far as the funk, have you tried cod liver oil? I know this sounds weird, but last fall I read that taking liquid cod liver oil could be good for the skin. So I tried it out, and I discovered it lifted my mood tremendously! I didn't realise what it was at first, but then I ran out of the oil, and suddenly I wasn't as cheerful or happy. I take the liquid over the capsules because there's a lot more of the vitamins, etc. in the liquid, but I just use the cheapest brand, Twinlab, and highly recommend it. If you can't find it in stores, Amazon carries it. (I prefer the unflavoured...it does taste pretty gross if you're like me and hate fish, but the flavour doesn't last too long.)

Also congrats on your weight loss! I'm sure other people can see a differenence and yay for comfier pants (I swear, I live in skirts and dresses because pants are such a pain, lol). :)

Love you and take care of yourself lady!